About me

I’m Nils Angermeier, a 30-year-old Games Producer from Germany.
However, seeing as you arrived on this page you want to know more than just my age and occupation.

I’m a student at the S4G School for Games in Hamburg, Germany where I’m studying Game Development with a specialty in Design and Production. Growing up playing classics like Need For Speed, Minecraft, Grand Theft Auto, the Lego Island Games and many more, I quickly discovered that I want to become a part of this fascinating gaming industry, especially once I got my hands on the map editors of GTA San Andreas, Crashday, Minecraft, Fallout 4, and many more.

Throughout my long job finding phase, I recognized that I have a knack for writing and designing Games. With the age of 18
I wrote my first 20 Pages long Game Design/ Story Concept for a potential Need For Speed Game. One year earlier when the phenomenon Minecraft started to happen, I started to tryout myself in Level Design/ Game Graphics especially 3D Pixel Art. This was later expanded with mods like the Little Blocks Mod, where you can build way more detailed with 1/8 of the original block size. My latest Minecraft 3D Creations are even smaller by using the Chisels and Bits Mod. Where you can use every Pixel of a full 16×16 Block. You can see my best 3D Pixel Art Creations in my Personal Projects Section.

It was also during that time (middle 2015) that I got the opportunity to do a trial-week at the S4G School for Games.
I knew immediately: This is exactly what I want to do. Unfortunately, however, I lacked the financial means. Eventually, disregarding the skepticism of others, I made up my mind to find a job to fund my entire education. It wasn’t an easy decision, but I was determined to make it work. I knew that if I put in the effort, I could find a way to pursue my passion for game development while supporting myself financially. In addition to working as a kitchen worker, I even enrolled in a distance learning course at the SGD to elevate my educational status.

Later, when I was already working as a Kitchen Worker to save money for the S4G School for Games Education, I basically became bored in the Lunch breaks and started to write on my own Science Fiction Novel every day. Unfortunately the novel never finished but I still want to give you the opportunity to read a Reading sample of the whole first chapter if you want to. You can also find it in the Personal Project Section.

What motivates me?

My motivation is deeply rooted in my personal journey. Throughout my life, I’ve encountered obstacles that seemed insurmountable, often without the support I sought from the employment office or similar institutions. Yet, I refused to, to give in to despair, driven by an unwavering belief to forge my own path. Amidst the struggles, I battled with major depression, enduring what can only be described as the darkest period of my life. It was during those times that certain video games emerged as my life savers. These games weren’t just entertainment; they helped me during tough times and stopped me from making big mistakes and I’m really really thankful for that. I’m thankful that these games have saved me and it makes me want to give something back to not only the industry but also to the gaming community itself. I feel a strong need to give back the comfort I got. I aim to make games that players can connect with, giving them a break and time to think in their busy lives. Every bit design decision is made with the goal of creating games that motivate, cheer up, and maybe help people. In simple terms, I’m motivated because I know games can change lives and I’m dedicated to using that power positively. By making games, I hope to really make a difference for players, giving them a safe and amazing place in the worlds I help to create.